
The Buff Orpington chicken is a beloved breed renowned for its striking buff-colored feathers and amiable demeanor. These chickens have a medium-sized build with a rounded appearance, making them both visually appealing and practical for backyard flocks.

Originating in England in the late 1800s, the Buff Orpington breed was developed for its dual-purpose qualities, excelling in both meat production and egg-laying capabilities. Today, they are primarily kept for their friendly nature, ornamental value, and their ability to lay a respectable number of brown eggs.

Buff Orpington chickens are known for their calm and gentle disposition. They have a friendly and sociable nature, making them excellent companions for families, children, and individuals seeking a docile and interactive flock. These chickens are often described as being “lap chickens” due to their propensity for seeking close human contact.

One of the most distinctive features of Buff Orpingtons is their beautiful buff-colored plumage. Their feathers are soft, fluffy, and possess a warm golden hue, which gives them a radiant and appealing appearance. This attractive coloration, combined with their rounded build and friendly temperament, makes them popular choices for both backyard flocks and exhibition shows.

Buff Orpingtons are known for their medium egg-laying capabilities, with hens producing a commendable number of large brown eggs. While not the most prolific layers, their eggs are valued for their rich flavor and excellent quality. Additionally, Buff Orpingtons have a reputation for being broody, meaning they have a strong maternal instinct to incubate and hatch eggs.


Female (+6%), Male, Not Sexed (+2%)


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